Python and Jupyter notebooks#
This is a rapid introduction to the basics of Python and the use of Jupyter notebooks.
Good online cheat-sheets:
What you should know from Python and Jupyter notebooks: part 01:
Know how to switch between
cells and how to run them (shift-Return
button)Basics of Python evaluation and printing
string concatenation
exponentiation with
use of fstrings
Importing numpy and basic functions (sqrt, exp, sin, \(\ldots\))
numpy arrays using
arange(min, max, step)
Getting help via Google (or alternative): StackOverflow and manuals
Defining functions in Python
def my_function(x):
\(\longleftarrow\) semicolon and then indented linesposition vs. keyword argument and defaults
shift + tab + tab
to reveal definitions
Plotting with Matplotlib
Standard sequence for plot: data \(\longrightarrow\) make figure \(\longrightarrow\) add subplots \(\longrightarrow\) make plot
dressing up and saving a plot
names for the figure and axis objects are our choice
Numpy linear algebra
defining a matrix and finding its shape or particular elements
matrix (or vector) operations: multiplying them with @, transpose, trace, inverse, eigensolution