7.8. Extra: Reduced Basis Method Emulators#

Based on a talk by Dick Furnstahl. See the end for references.

Motivation for RBM emulators#


Screenshot from the end of a YouTube video called Timeline of the Discovery of Nuclides.#


Table of Nuclides showing progress in ab initio calculations (2024 version).#


Simple model for eigenvalue RBM#




Improved many-body perturbation theory (MBPT).#


Emulating pairing.#


Greedy algorithm for emulation.#


Cartoon summary of greedy algorithm.#



References with nuclear applications#

All of these have pointers to the broad RBM literature.

Jupyter and Quarto books for nuclear applications#


  • BAND (Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear Dynamics)

  • BUQEYE (Bayesian Uncertainity Quantification: Errors for Your EFT)